Monday, 23 November 2015

Marxism & Pluralism: essay

The development of new/digital media means the audience is more powerful in terms of consumption and production. Discuss the arguments for and against this view.

Audiences have become empowered by new and digital. This is because of how many platforms are available to be accessed, such as BBC, Daily mail and the gaurdian. From these different platforms we can gain a more wider view on a paricular story which allows us to form a more solid opinion about a particular subject. since we have access to such a wide variety of news and values it also allows us alot of room to share our thoughts about online through social media to a mass audience.  Also, with the use of social media (mainly twitter) we are now able to access a huge variety of news stories by simply just scrolling down our timelines and in addition to this we also get see people thought about the stories. This would support the plurism belief as it allows us as an audience to be more free about our thoughts rather than taking in everything that we hear from the news. A great example how social media has had a huge impact on the news industry is because of how much people have become rebellious, mainly during the election period people set up facebook pages protesting which allowed many people to gain a better understanding to help them form their own beliefs.on the other hand, you could argue that alot of the stuff posted online could be fake and unreliable so therefore we could potentially be mislead into believing stories which are incorrect. 

The Marxist believe that the media is controlled and filtered by the elites as they choose what is shown on the media, these corporations also have power over the audience, this is evident because of the quote "Top 5% of all websites accounted for almost 75% of user volume" However, on the other hand citizen journalism can suggest that the audiences are empowered as we are able to create news ourselves. This supports the pluralism belief of a classless society and we choose what we consume.

Since new and digital media is growing rapidly overtime it has allowed audiences to become more powerful in terms of consumption and productions. This is something that has become very common due to the fact there is so much freedom online.  In addition, there is very easy access to all of this via our smartphones or tablets.Firstly, From a Marxist perspective they would believe that the media are promoting a hegemonic ideology which supports the dominance of the higher classes and the people behind this are the wealthy corporations, media conglomerates and professionals. However, new and digital media gives audiences the privilege of being able to access multiple different stories online on a variety of different platforms and from different corporations or people. This means that us as the audience have the power to take in what news we want. However, this could mislead audiences in to believing they have power when they dont. An example of this is if someone tweets out something challenging authority, this tweet could end up not being viewed by anyone, so therefore the audience aren't really empowered. In addition, if audiences want to share out their opinions there are still some
Guidlines they have to follow in terms of what they can say, so does this still mean audiences are empowered?

From pluralists perspective they would believe that there is a classless society and us as the audience are free to consume what we like and produce what we like. An example of this is USG (user generated content) and citizen journalism. For example, us as the audience are able to create our own news, write our own articles and share our own opinions on stories. Social media has allowed the audiences to have this sort of power. In addition, with websites such as mail online, there is a comments section where audiences are available to interact with the story giving their thoughts, this wouldn't have been able to done 10-15 years ago. This can be supported by the following quote "Technological blossoming of the culture of freedom". 
An example of this was during the elections when the famous actor Russel Brand was sharing his thoughts on whk should be voted for and who shouldn't. This is a great example of audiences being empowered through social media because it sparked a debate amongst twitter users about which party should be elected 

In conclusion, new and digital media hasn't really empowered audiences that much because if a regular person wanted to post something online such as an article or video, it would be hard for it to get recognition as they arent coming from a reliable source. In addition, if someone did post something and it was relevant and got some recognition, other audiences would usually wait for a well known organisation such as the BBC to post something about it to believe it. So therefore, developments in new and digital media doesnt make us as the audience as empowered. 

Friday, 20 November 2015

new and digital news articles

Why the Paris attacks got larger UK coverage than other tragedies

  • Plenty of people have been asking why a massacre in France should get greater media coverage in Britain than massacres in the Lebanon, Iraq and Kenya.
  • They have pointed to the fact that last Thursday, 44 people died in suicide bombings in Beirut. In August, 67 people were killed by a truck bomb in Sadr City in north-eastern Iraq. In April, 147 people, most of them students, were shot dead at Garissa University in north-eastern Kenya.

This is an article talking about why the Paris attacks got the most media coverage in comparison to other tragedies that happened all around the world such as the Beirut attacks, this is possibly because france is closer to home than these other countries. In my opinion i believe that this is wrong and all tragedies which involve people getting killed in mass numbers should be broadcasted equally. 

BBC journalists told to make shorter videos aimed at mobile

TV camera BBC

  • BBC journalists have been asked to make shorter, more informal videos as the corporation tries to keep pace with the public’s shift to consuming news on mobile devices.
  • However, on Thursday, the BBC released survey results claiming that more than three quarters of the public believe it should keep publishing news on its website and apps even if it makes it harder for newspapers to make money.

This is an article talking about how the BBC were told to make shorter videos for people to watch the news on their mobiles. This is because it would be very convenient and simple for the audience to access. In my opinion, this is a very good idea because of how new and digital media is changing these corporations have to keep up in order for them not to fail.

Friday, 13 November 2015

New and digital media article

Thinking machines: the skilled jobs that could be taken over by robots

Fear of mass unemployment has been proved wrong as automation makes the economy stronger

  • The fear that robots will destroy jobs and leave a great mass of people languishing in unemployment is almost as old as automation itself. And yet, from the Luddites onwards, the fears have been eventually proved wrong, and the economy has ended up stronger than before
  • Analysts warn that automation is now affecting mental labour as well as physical. So what tasks are vulnerable?
This is article talking about how new developments such as robots are making our common jobs become extinct and how its going to be a huge problem for the economy. In my opinion i think that we're going to get to a stage where the majority of jobs will become extinct because of new developments.

Why the Daily Mirror pulled its exclusive story on The Voice

How the Mirror changed splash between editions on 14 October.

  • In that posting I took the Mirror’s TV editor, Nicola Methven, to task for having written a story headlined “BBC axes The Voice in £55m row.” It was her paper’s splash in the first edition but vanished after that.

  • She wrote at the time: “They have given up on screening a sixth run in 2017, leaving the door open for rivals ITV to snap up the show, which pulls in 8m viewers.”

This is an article talking about how the BBC 

Friday, 6 November 2015

New and digital media stories

Vice plans to launch 12 TV channels across Europe

  • Shane Smith says company in ‘fast and furious’ talks with companies including Netflix, ITV, Sky and Discovery about new channels going live within 18 months

Vice is basically a news company that started out utilising social media and the internet, they have a very popular channel on youtube which receives millions of views each month.

Junk food advertising faces ruling on marketing to children

Burger and chips

Last year, there were 13,477 complaints about 10,202 digital ads in the UK, The body responsible for setting UK advertising rules is to launch a public consultation that will evaluate whether a ban on advertising junk food to children online, in the press, on billboards and poster sites should be introduced.

New And Digital media articles

TV must push back against Apple and Netflix, says Discovery boss

remote control for a television

  • 'Where’s Netflix without our great content? How many iPhones would you buy if all of our stuff wasn’t on there?' says David Zaslav
  • The tendency for streaming services to want to strip away channel branding to offer programmes individually as part of vast libraries was bad for viewers, David Zaslav said

This is a story about how the TV industry need to do something about apple and Netflix need to change something in order to face a decline in the industry, this is a good example of how new and digital media can have a major impact on existing industries.

Sun website traffic slips by 14%

The Sun website has now slipped below in terms of traffic

  • News UK title’s daily visitors fall to 1.1 million, with the Daily Star, Mirror and Metro hit after end of football transfer window
  • Worst hit were the Daily Star, which saw average daily visitors fall 35%, and Metro, which dropped 33.9%.
  • The Mirror saw daily traffic to its national websites fall by almost 9% to 3,894,176.

This is an article talking about how a news paper company such as the sun are facing major issues in terms of website views, this could potentially be because of how fast news is available via social media. Stats show that they lost 1.1million viewers within such a small time period. 

New and digital media articles.

Google launches €150m fund for publishers' digital news projects

Google has launched its €150m fund for European publishers

  • Google has launched its €150m (£109m) fund for European publishers to tap to develop new digital news projects, with large-scale grants needing approval from a council including Telegraph chief Murdoch MacLennan.
  • Google has divided application criteria for funding into three pools: “early stage” prototype projects that Google will fully fund to “fast track” with up to €50,000.
  • Medium-sized projects are defined as those that require up to €300,000 in funds, of which Google will award up to 70%.
  • Google will also fund up to 70% of proposals defined as large projects, those up to €1m.

This is basically an article about how Google has launched a fund for publishers to help and utilise new digital project to ensure that accessing news is convenient and simple.In addition, they invested 150 million euros which will be an assist in ensuring they create the best project, In my opinion i think that Google are smart for doing this because new and digital media is moving very fast so it is essential for them to keep up to date to ensure that they remain relevant.

UK digital ad spend soars despite fears over ad blocking

The rise of ad blocking has not so far affected UK digital ad spend

  • Display market rises by more than a quarter as total digital advertising hits record £3.98m in first half
  • Digital display advertising grew 27.5% to £1.31bn in the first half. 
  • UK advertisers spent a record £3.98bn on all forms of digital advertising in the first half, up 13.4% year on year, according to a new report by the Internet Advertising Bureau conducted by PwC.

This is a story about how there is a fear about how adblock is having an impact on uk digital companies who are trying to advertise themselves on websites. This could be a rising issue for all adverting done via the web as many people will prefer to use adblock.

New and digital media news article Index

Monday, 21 September 2015
  • 1) Is it safe to turn your children into YouTube stars?
  • 2) Social media is harming the mental health of teenagers. The state has to act
Friday, 25 September 2015
  • 3)Music streaming just became a billion-dollar industry
  • 4)PewDiePie and KSI take their YouTube fame to the mobile app stores
Thursday, 1 October 2015
  • 5)UK mobile ad spend 'to overtake print and TV'
  • 6)Mark Zuckerberg calls for universal internet access to combat poverty
    Thursday, 8 October 2015
    • 7)What impact will adblockers have on the #media industry?
    • 8)BBC sees danger of losing young viewers distracted by devices
    Thursday, 15 October 2015
    • 9)Twitter’s TV strategy: timelines, Periscope and troll-taming talent
    • 10)How live video on Periscope helped 'get inside' the Syrian refugees story
    • 11)Google launches €150m fund for publishers' digital news projects
    • 12)UK digital ad spend soars despite fears over ad blocking
    • 13)Sun website traffic slips by 14%
    • 14)TV must push back against Apple and Netflix, says Discovery boss
    • 15)Junk food advertising faces ruling on marketing to children
    • 16) Vice plans to launch 12 TV channels across Europe

    Sunday, 1 November 2015

    NDM: News values

    Galtung and Ruge (1981) defined a set of news values to explain how journalists and editors decided that certain stories and photographs were accepted as newsworthy, while others were not.

    The following list is adapted from their work:

    Immediacy: has it happened recently?

    Immediacy is more important than ever due to news breaking on Twitter or elsewhere online. However, this in turn changes the approach of other news sources such as newspapers as the news will probably already be broken so different angles might be required. Newspapers now contain more comment or opinion rather than the breaking story.

    is it culturally close to us in Britain?

    This has changed a lot because of new and digital media, this is because we can now use the internet to read or watch stories from any area in the world. whereas, before new and digital media we would only be informed if it was culturally close to us or if it had an impact on us.

    is it a big event or one which involves large numbers of people?

    New and digital media has had an impact on how news is determined, this is because small stories which wouldn't have made it into newspapers can now be easily reported via social media to a mass audience.

    does the event happen fairly regularly?

    New and digital media has removed any limitations that there would be on any news stories this is because through citizen journalism we are able to post and publish a particular news story as many times as we want.

    Unambiguity: is it clear and definite?

    With new and digital media news can be unclear, this is because news via citizen journalism which would usually be a smart phone video recording or image wont have the best quality so therefore it would mean that its unclear.

    is it a rare or unexpected event?

    Rare or unexpected events are usually first shared on social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook this is also because it allows people to share what is happening by posting pictures or videos.

    has this story already been defined as news?

    Anything that is shared via social media can be defined as news depending on what the consumer is interested in.

    Elite nations and people: which country has the event happened in? Does the story concern well-known people? 

    This can help people have a better understanding of what they are interested in. for example new and digital media has enabled us to look into a particular event in a country, or a particular person in a lot more detail than we could've before. We can also look for more local stories aswell.

    is it bad news?

    New and digital media has allowed us to view a wider amount of news and also it has allowed us to avoid bad news or find bad news depending on the consumer.

    Balance: the story may be selected to balance other news, such as a human survival story to balance a number of stories concerning death.

    New and digital media has removed any balance for news, this is because we are able to pick and choose what we want to consume through the internet, also some people may want to watch the news to hear about one particular story, so therefore, new and digital media has allowed us to do this.